

When life gives you lemons...

Ana Ros La Migliore Chef Donna Dell Mondo Ospite A Virtual Cafe2350
This week coffeehouses and bars in Nova Gorica and Gorizia started serving GO! 2025 sugar packets with coffee, tea and ... warm lemonade.  To continue our Slovene-Italian language lessons even outside the (virtual) classroom, each packet has its’ own quote, translated in both languages. Something sweet to keep our heart and minds warm during the long months that lay ahead of us. For at least the next month we will not be able to cross the order as spontaneously as before. Much has been done in the spring time to keep the border as open as possible and we hope that the future months will show fruit of this hard work. But until then, when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade. And may GO! 2025 sugar packets make it as sweet as it gets.

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