
Invitation to the Presentation of the Book Naš vsakdanji kino / Nostro cine quotidiano

Invito alla presentazione del libro Nostro cine quotidiano / Naš vsakdanji kin

For centuries, film screens have captured reflections of our stories, faces and dreams. Gorizia has its own big screen—an interweaving of images, memories and stories captured in film culture.

On 20 February at 18:00, Knjigarna kavarna Maks in Nova Gorica will host a discussion and presentation of the bilingual Slovenian-Italian edition of the book Naš vsakdanji kino / Nostro cine quotidiano (Our Everyday Cinema). The work exploring the rich cinematic history of Gorizia was republished in 2025 as part of the official programme of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia, and was first edited in 2001 by Igor Devetak and published by the Kinoatelje Publishing House for the 1000th anniversary of the first mention of Gorizia. The author of the book, journalist and film critic Sandro Scandolara, intertwines the history of the city with the development of cinema, highlighting the people, places and events that have shaped the film culture of the area. The book is richly illustrated with valuable images that give readers an in-depth insight into Gorizia's cinematic past and present.

The book will be discussed by translator Janko Petrovec, designer Silvia Klainscek, editor Martina Humar and Mateja Zorn, Head of Programmes at Kinoatelje. The reprinting of the book in a bilingual edition is not only a tribute to the author and his legacy, but also an important contribution to the preservation and appreciation of the audiovisual heritage of the cross-border area.

The book has also inspired a series of film walks dedicated to the stories, characters, places and films that have marked the history of film culture in Gorizia and Nova Gorica. You are also invited to a day dedicated to Nora Gregor, a film and theatre actress born in Gorizia on 3 February 1901, who died in Chile in 1949. The walks are free and available in Italian, Slovenian and English. Registration is required using the online form. You are welcome to read the information about the dates and register for the walk.

Language info

Event language: SL


Organizer email nadina@kinoatelje.it Organizer phone number 048133580

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