Vodeni ogled razstave Italija v šestdesetih

Guided tour of the Italy in the 60s Exhibition: Art, Fashion and Design: From Boom to Pop (Italia Sessanta: Arte, Moda e Design Dal boom al pop).

Guided tour of the Italy in the 60s Exhibition: Art, Fashion and Design: From Boom to Pop (Italia Sessanta: Arte, Moda e Design Dal boom al pop) is organised by Erpac FVG. It is curated by Carla Cerutti, Enrico Minio Capucci, Raffaella Sgubin in Lorenzo Michelli, and designed by Roberto Festi.

The tour offers an interesting presentation of the objects, clothes and artworks on display. The exhibition explores the controversial period of the mythical 1960s, an era characterised by social and political change, original creative projects, as well as new approaches and visions. This period saw a change in the way we live, work, dress, love and spend our leisure time. It was marked by the floods in Florence and Venice, student protests, the dreams of the first man on the Moon, (orange) plastics, scientific experiments, pop art and technological progress that brought iconic objects such as the gramophone and the telephone.

The event will be held in Italian

The number of participants is limited

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