
Lunch with the artist Manca Bajec

7/4 - 7/5/2024
- thursday from 11.00
- friday from 12.30

Alpacem Cement
Predavalnica/ Lecture room
Deskle (Anhovo 1, 5210)

Lunch with the artist Manca Bajec

Lunch with the artist to collect information and testimonies for the creation of the artwork "Witness Corner Marked / Border Milestones"

The aim of the workshop, aimed at the staff of the Anhovo cement factory and their families, is to collect information and testimonies that will contribute to the creation of the artwork "Witness Corner Marked / Border Milestones" by Manca Bajec. In the relaxing atmosphere of a lunch with your colleagues, you will be able to contribute - through simple creative exercises and dialogue - to the creation of this artwork. You will draw on the company's production practices and materials to design its aesthetic and conceptual characteristics. The testimonials, experiences and knowledge you wish to share with the artist will be invaluable to the creative process. Lunch is kindly provided by IoDeposito, which has organised the event in collaboration with Alpacem Cement and the University of Nova Gorica. Info and reservations: prenotazioni@iodeposito.org

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