Silvan Furlan open-air cinema

For the twelfth year in a row, the urban platform of Nova Gorica will be transformed into the Silvan Furlan summer arena, where we will be able to enjoy under the starry sky a bouquet of films of different genres that have been successful both among the public and at international festivals.

All the films will be subtitled in Slovenian, with the exception of Red Boogie , which will be subtitled in Italian and will invite our Italian friends to see it as well. The screenings will be free of charge and will start every evening at 9 p.m.; in case of rain, the screenings will be held in the Small Hall of the Cultural Centre of Nova Gorica.

The complete programme is available here.

Silvan Furlan open-air cinema is presented by Kinoatelje in cooperation with the Institute of Tourism of Nova Gorica and the Vipava Valley, under the patronage of the Municipality of Nova Gorica. The Nova Gorica summer cinema is part of the GO! 2025 official programme

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