

GO! 2025 at the TTG Travel Experience

GO! 2025 at the TTG Travel Experience

The GO! 2025 team participated at the 61st edition of the TTG Travel Experience in Rimini

TTG Travel Experience is one of the key Italian trade fairs for the promotion of global tourism. Welcoming over 20,000 people between 9 and 11 October 2024, the theme of this year's fair was veritas, with the Latin meaning of the word invoking the indispensable search for factual truth. Today, artificial storytelling, not always authentic reviews and false information proliferate online, creating a new need for truth. In these three days, numerous debates, seminars and meetings were held to shape the future of tourism.

Our team presented an interesting animation programme. Visitors participated at a dice-throwing game and taking photos in Europe Square to compete for GO! 2025 branded gadgets. Our animation was part of the large I Feel Slovenia stand, that presented tourist organisations and accommodation providers. Artist Salvatore Calì used a press to reproduce prints by Slovenian artist Zora Stančič, who created an original visual experience especially for the ECoC. The artworks were printed on Slovenian newsprint to emphasise the Slovenian language and showcase both Gorizias.


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