
For more than 40 years, the International Best Film Screenplay Award "Sergio Amidei" has been paying tribute to the art of cinema - the highlight of the event is the award ceremony, but it also offers numerous screenings, meeting venues, in-depth studies and other opportunities to spread international film culture. The winner of the Best Screenplay award will be announced at the festival, while the Director's prize will this year go to the screenwriter, director and actor Marco Bellocchio. The Gorizia Kinemax will pay tribute to him by screening a number of his films, including his latest, Rapito (2023), as well as films with nominated scripts at various locations around Gorizia (Piazza Vittoria and the House of Cinema). The third and final prize of the festival, the Cinema culture award, will be awarded to Gianni Canova, film critic, who has selected three films that will also be screened during the week of 20-26 July. The festival is divided into a number of interesting sections dedicated to different areas of filmmaking. Students will have the opportunity to attend a master class by Neapolitan comedian Lello Arena and the Italian premiere of the Slovenian film Jezdeca (2022, screenplay: Boris Grgurovič and Dominik Mencej, directed by Dominik Mencej), the Italian and Slovenian independent film scene will be addressed by the Agorà section in the spirit of migration and overcoming borders, some screenings and workshops are also aimed at younger audiences, there will even be a photo exhibition at Kinemax, etc. Find out more about the programme here. The theme of this year's festival is independence, which is also reflected in the graphic design of this year's festival. Graphic designer Leonardo Lenchig Andres said about the logo: "The logo has several meanings: the intertwining of the events of the script that make up the story, but also two cultures, two countries, two cities (GO! 2025) that meet on a common path and share points of convergence." The festival is organised by the Sergio Amidei Cultural Association, DAMS - Drama, Art and Music Studies, University of Udine and Trieste and the Palazzo del Cinema / House of Film Association, in co-organisation with the Municipality of Gorizia and the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia Giulia Triest Gorizia.