
The Tone Kralj Exhibitions in Gorizia

5/20/2024 from 18.00
5/21/2024 from 18.00

Kulturni dom Gorica, Knjižnica Damirja Feigla

The Tone Kralj Exhibitions in Gorizia

Join us at the two commemorative exhibitions dedicated to the works of Tone Kralj.

Bread and Games – Paintings by Tone Kralj 1941-1945
Displayed at the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, the inauguration will be held on Monday, May 20, at 6 pm, at the Kulturni dom Gorica (via Brass 20, Gorizia). MNSZ Interim Director Nataša Robežnik, exhibition co-author Tina Fortič Jakopič, journalist Andrea Bellavite, Sorča Sardoč Foundation President Boris Peric, and the President of Kulturni dom Gorica will attend the event. The exhibition will be inaugurated by Kaja Širok, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), and will be open until August 2, 2024.

Tone Kralj – Sacred Paintings
The inauguration will be held on May 21, also at 6 pm, at the Damir Feigel Library in Gorizia.

GO! 2025 supports both events and is planning a new initiative for 2025 centered on the paintings of Tone Kralj: Tone Kralj, Self-Portrait, detail from the painting My Family – Family Portrait, oil on canvas, 1945.

Photo: MNSZ

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