Laboratory for the Future of Food

Laboratory for the Future of Food


Lead partner: Zavod Kersnikova.

Other partners: Xcenter, Floravita, konS: Platforma za sodobno raziskovalno umetnost, Gruppo78/Bionica Trst - Italija.

We have identified the shared living space of Nova Gorica and Gorizia, united at the confluence of six agricultural axes (Adriatic, Karst, Vipava Valley, Soča Valley, Brda, and Po Valley), as a meeting point of two cultures (Latin and Slavic) that have harmoniously intertwined their similarities and differences into a unique food culture. In designing this project, we drew on the region's deeply rooted sensitivity to all things culinary as a foundation for exploring the future of food in challenging climate conditions.

In the Laboratory for the Future of Food, we will apply the latest scientific insights to address questions about how to eat in ways that make food production more environmentally friendly, healthier, and tastier. Our focus will be on integrating traditional and high-tech approaches to food production into solutions that respond to the climate challenges of the future.

Key individuals:

  • Jurij Krpan (mastermind),
  • Vita Matjac (laboratory manager),
  • Jana Putrle (producer, responsible for the project).

Photo: David Verlič

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